Martha Mguni


Post By Martha

What Is Aromatherapy?

Aromatherapy is a form of alternative medicine that uses distilled plant oils, called essential oil, to treat various health problems. It is used in conjunction with other therapies, including massage, acupuncture and meditation. Aromatherapy can help reduce stress,...

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The Benefits of an Essential Oils Diffuser

An essential oil diffuser transforms a few drops of an aromatic oil into a mist that is dispersed into the air, offering a pleasant scent for your home. The inhalation of these fragrant oils has many therapeutic benefits that can boost feelings of well-being....

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What Is Aromatherapy Oil?

A variety of natural oils are used in aromatherapy, a type of alternative healing therapy that uses smell to promote mental and physical health. Essential oil therapy has become a popular method of treating stress and other conditions. A trained aromatherapist, nurse,...

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